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Supply Chain

To strengthen our commitment to sustainability, we collaborate with our value chain to carry out business operations that benefit the people and our planet.

Sustainable Supply Chain

At Softtek, we recognize the impact our activities have on people and the environment. Therefore, we expect our suppliers to share our commitment to social, environmental, and ethical responsibility.

To ensure that our value chain is aligned with our objectives, it is important for suppliers to comply with our Code of Ethics, Supplier and External Intermediaries Code of Conduct at Softtek, and to have read and signed the commitment of our guide "Transcending the Supply Chain", which establishes the principles guiding our actions, such as:

  • Ethics
  • Environment
  • Human Rights
  • Respect
  • Anti-corruption
  • Conflict of Interest

At Softtek, we commit to working in collaboration with our suppliers to foster ethical and sustainable business practices throughout our value chain, aiming to generate a positive impact on society and the environment.

Read more


We promote social justice by ensuring that all companies have equitable access to our business opportunities, including small and diverse businesses.

A diverse business is one whose ownership, management, and control are at least 51% held by an individual or diverse group, such as:

  • Minority-owned businesses: Organizations led by individuals of a non-majority race or ethnicity in the region.
  • Women-owned businesses.
  • Businesses from disadvantaged communities: organizations led by LGBTQ+ individuals, people with disabilities, or veterans.

At Softtek, we are working to establish a supply chain that reflects the inclusion and diversity of our suppliers. If the company you represent meets the diversity criteria described above, please register in our "Inclusive Sourcing Program" so that your company may be considered when we have an opportunity related to your commercial activity.

Register here

This is how our commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion transcends the boundaries of our internal sphere, fostering a more equitable and sustainable world throughout our value chain.