We are aware that we are not alone in our pursuit for transcendence, which is why we create and foster collaborative relationships with different institutions and exchange of best practices.
Pacto Global ONU Red México:
Voluntary initiative based on the commitment of companies that are signatories to the United Nations Global Compact, committed to implementing universal sustainability principles and taking actions to accelerate the path towards the Sustainable Development Goals.
Alliance for Integrity:
This global initiative, driven by the business sector, aims to promote transparency and integrity in the private sector. Its primary objective is to combat corruption through the collective action of all key players, including the private sector, public sector, and civil society.
Its main mission is to contribute to global peace and security, as well as to human rights and development, by building a safer world against drugs, crime, corruption, and terrorism.
ProIntegridad USAID:
A project of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) that seeks to promote integrity and transparency in business. Its main objective is to strengthen the business and investment environment in Mexico by improving governance and business practices that foster transparency and integrity.
WeConnect International:
Institution that connects companies with suppliers certified as women-led businesses.
Initiative of the Mexican Business Council that seeks to change paradigms to favor the inclusion of people with disabilities.
Diversity Charter:
European institution that encourages companies to make efforts to create inclusive work environments.
UN Women:
United Nations organization that develops programs, policies and standards to uphold women's human rights and ensure that all girls and women reach their full potential.
Human Rights Campaing:
Institution that seeks to end discrimination against LGBT+ people.
Hagámoslo Bien:
Mexican civil association that promotes a culture of legality.
United Mexico Against Crime:
Non-profit, secular and non-partisan civil association that seeks security, justice and peace in Mexico.
Transparencia Mexicana:
Civil society organization that promotes public polices and private attitudes against corruption and works towards a culture of integrity, promotion of legality and accountability.