Atualmente, mais de 800 milhões de pessoas utilizam os serviços digitais de saúde em todo o mundo
As organizações de saúde vêm sofrendo pressões para transformações ágeis. Devido a essa necessidade, a Softtek oferece serviço para melhorar sua eficiência, tempo de resposta e adaptabilidade através de solução digital centrada em dados. Essas soluções são baseadas na inteligência artificial, automação e em canal de comunicação, a fim de oferecer serviço de saúde remoto e promover continuamente a inovação de seu negócio digital.
Auxiliamos a aumentar a eficiência das instituições de saúde pública e privada, através de soluções digitais especializadas
Nossos serviços de análise de dados, inteligência artificial, automação e atendimento digital, contam com o suporte de nosso laboratório de inovação para possibilitar consulta médica remota, e a contínua evolução digital das instituições de saúde, impactando positivamente na vida das pessoas.
Fortaleça a jornada digital do cliente.
Parcerias digitais.
Terceirização de processos.
Reduza custo por meio da digitalização e automação de processos.
Amplie os canais de comunicações digitais com os pacientes.
Acelere a adoção da telemedicina.
Reaja, recupere-se e cresça com as soluções certas
- Para quem trabalha em escritório
- Para quem realiza trabalho na rua
- Para gestores de Call centers
- Para líderes executivos & diretores essenciais
- Sistema de comércio digital implementado com agilidade
- Sistema de qualidade executiva
- Plataforma comercial Hypercare customizável
- Sistema digital front-end Hypercare
- Pronta integração com serviço de entrega
- Testes cognitivos para melhoria do sistema de comércio eletrônico
RPA & Automação: Cognitiva com agilidadez
- RPA & Automação: cognitiva com agilidade
- Aquisições inteligentes
Despesas com TI
- Otimização da despesa com telecomunicação e sistema em nuvem
- Gestão de despesa com licença de software
- Simplificação do seu ambiente tecnológico
- Aumento da produtividade da operação de TI
- Inteligência operacional aplicada ao processo chave é essencial à sua missão
- Acompanhe o desempenho inteligente de seus aplicativos
- Desenvolva de forma ágil um painel financeiro
Aceleradores da Indústria

Integração Digital
Biometria e Inteligência Artificial
Quickly and easily manage new client registrations using a mobile phone camera. No filling out forms or physical attendance required.
The solution uses biometric technology and AI application as measures to protect against fraud and guarantee regulatory compliance.

Verificação remota de “status ativo” por voz
Remote “Alive Status” verification through voice
Many procedures and processes require the physical presence of a beneficiary to demonstrate that they are “alive,” which is why at-risk groups like older adults and retirees must stand in lines at care centers.
Combining biometric technology and AI for voice recognition, the solution allows clients to remotely validate their alive status using a simple and intuitive interface, even for users who are unfamiliar with digital media.
In this way, clients can remotely and safely carry out procedures while avoiding discomfort, risk and the need for intermediary assistance.

Análise preventiva: conflito com os clientes
Preventive Analytics: Customer Churn
Customer turnover poses a permanent challenge to the sustainability of organizations in the health industry. High dropout rates are a serious problem and are directly correlated with loss of income and increased client acquisition spending.
Today we are using the full potential of Machine Learning and data mining to predict customer churn. How? Among other things, solutions based on these technologies make it possible to examine the past behavior of clients to determine what their future actions are likely to be, thus helping identify those at risk of “emigrating.”

Análise e prevenção de fraudes transacionais
Análise Comportamental
Transactional Fraud Analysis and Prevention
The need to quickly conduct procedures remotely reinforces the importance detecting transactional fraud and identity theft.
The solution is based on behavioral analysis, through what is called a “digital fingerprint,” which combined with AI models, allows the creation of dynamic patterns to identify potentially risky cases that create an alert when the transaction strays away from normal parameters.
The end user can even register exceptions and manage behavioral rules, helping create a “safe zone” with the end user’s custom specifications.
It’s implemented quickly, doesn’t require applications or plugins, and is completely omni-channel.

Agência governamental de saúde em país da América Latina
Triagem Digital
A digital channel was implemented as a form of remote online interaction between clients and health services during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The solution aims to respond quickly to changing needs during the various phases of the pandemic. It was implemented in record time through the “Continuous Everything” approach.
In addition to the Digital Triage process, the app includes general information of interest for clients such as clinic and authorized care center locations, digital delivery of prescriptions and shift management.

Monitoramento das redes sociais para provedoras de serviços
Social Listening for professional services company
The application for Social Listening generates quantitative and qualitative information about the company’s mentions on social media.
It leverages an algorithm that collects data generated on networks related to how customers interact with services and brands. Using Cognitive services (Text Mining + Sentiment Analysis), dashboards are updated with real-time analytics with key information upon which to act.

Rastreamento de equipamentos médicos e manutenção preventiva
Clínicas médicas da América Latina
This solution integrates elements of the IoT (Internet of Things) for the acquisition and processing of geolocated data in closed and small spaces, with real-time analytics for equipment tracking and generating predictive models to optimize its use.
It can interact with any type of data and signal in a simple and effective way, and in this way meet needs in closed or small spaces, with precision down to the centimeter through the use of “beacons.”
The architecture of open APIs allows the integration of all types of data and signals, both analog and digital, creating a scalable base upon which to build and monetize new cloud-based operational capabilities based on IoT.

Eficiência de equipamento médico e manutenção preventiva
Serviços residenciais na América Latina
The blauLabs platform has different modules (data analysis, reports, alarms, etc.) that allow for analytics, variable correlation and inter-area comparisons, based on available measurements which can be consulted from any internet-enabled device.
The solution is fully scalable, both in modules and in new sites or assets, so you can carry out an initial pilot that is limited to certain areas or data series without worrying about scaling it later. It also helps our clients comply with ISO 50001 standards.
We’ve helped our clients achieve energy efficiency by searching for savings. We begin with a study to identify the intervening energy sources (electricity, water, gas), then evaluate their current and historical consumption to understand the energy matrix of the plant. The areas, machinery or processes with the greatest consumption are then determined, allowing their future use and consumption to be estimated in order to make decisions.

Laboratórios Farmacêuticos e Serviços de Saúde na América Latina
Assistente virtual
Virtual Assistant
The virtual assistant allows for the automation of daily processes while also obtaining valuable information from client conversation analysis.
The use of cognitive services such as Natural Language Processing (NLP) empowers the chatbot to converse in an intuitive and natural way.
One particularly innovative case involves the intelligent automation of Customer Care actions through sentiment analysis, which allows real-time scaling and the ability to switch immediately to human assistance when there’s a critical issue it cannot solve, or when it’s detected that client is experiencing discomfort or frustration.

Leitor ótico de documentos e extração de texto
The app uses a service that recognizes text and characters from images, photos and video, in real time, using only a mobile phone camera.
This allows the insurance agent to read and extract key information from documents, licenses and cards to facilitate processes like renewals or making a quote, without having to request or manually enter data.

“Leitor inteligente” de documentos em papel para automatizar procedimento
Agência de Saúde
The app uses a service that recognizes text within video in real time, using only a mobile phone camera.
This function allows you to take data from a policy, certificate or form, simply scanning the paper and letting the app leverage Cognitive Automation to complete the rest of the process in seconds, without the need to manually enter data.

Acompanhamento das práticas de distanciamento social
Atenção ao público no setor de Saúde
Through the application of Deep Learning models, the algorithm can identify people in real time and determine their distance from others and raising alarms upon detection of a value outside the defined thresholds.
Additionally, the model can monitor the amount of entries or departures to control a facility’s recommended capacity.
Advanced analytics collects this data and creates heat and density maps of the flow of people, allowing spaces to be redesigned to optimize their functionality and reduce risks.

Produtos de saúde e atendimento ao cliente de varejo
Aplicativos com realidade aumentada
Softtek has developed a platform to deploy applications that leverage Augmented Reality to provide interactive information about objects at which a mobile phone camera is pointed.
One of the use cases relates to the need to avoid physical contact with products in order to reduce the risk of COVID-19 infections.
Instead of grabbing medicine or medical products in a pharmacy to see the details written on the package, it can be obtained instantly using a mobile phone camera.

Laboratório de Inovação como Serviço
Estudo de caso (disponível apenas em espanhol)
Innovation Lab-as-a-Service