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Vector ITC: New e-Commerce rules based on consumer experience.

Vector-ITC outlines the new rules of e-commerce centered on consumer experience.

8 october, 2020. – Today, the line between the physical and the digital is becoming increasingly blurred, especially from a Customer Experience perspective. When customers switch between devices, channels or platforms, they expect an optimised experience that effectively addresses the purpose of the interaction. A key to this will be an all-channel strategy that has the right channels to reach the customer. In this sense, to offer a good online experience it is necessary to be up to date with the trends, that is why Vector ITC, international technological and digital group, points out the new rules of eCommerce and how companies must adapt.

When making a purchase, the user is not limited to a single website or online shop. Today’s clients navigate through their devices by an infinity of e-commerce until they find the ideal place to make their purchases, and this is done mainly through the mobile phone. That is why it is important for companies to have the right technology and the right channels to contact the customer. What are the keys to making a difference?

The e-commerce has been growing and adapting to changes that have emerged in business, market and consumers, to provide solutions to their needs. To this end, it has been supported by the advance of technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Blockchain, automation, etc., which have facilitated both the tasks of the company and improved the experience of consumers.

The shopping experience is key in the online world; in fact, the success or failure of a company is based on it. This is a very fine line that is crossed with a simple click or comment from a user. That is why companies must be very aware of every point of contact that customers have with the brand and offer them a unified shopping experience”, says Rafael Conde del Pozo, Digital & Innovation Director, Vector ITC.

For this to be possible, companies must have the right tools to manage all the areas that make it up (logistics, customer service, supplier management, sales channels, etc.). Moreover, they must be integrated, connected to each other, not only to save time and costs, but also to improve the company’s all-channel strategy, offering complete solutions.

For more information, consult and download our White Paper about The new rules of e-Commerce here(content in Spanish).

Karen Liedl
Softtek PR
+1 763-291-1464