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We take a tool-agnostic approach to implement business and IT process automation, and effectively manage service delivery to achieve maximum benefits. And by integrating immediate, measurable results with a long-term vision, we align solutions with customer needs and enable a realistically ambitious strategy for transformation.

Intelligent Automation

Cognitive computing, machine learning applications and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) can transform operational models and user experiences. In many deployments, however, benefits are limited to incremental gains.

To seize the intelligent process automation opportunity, executives must look beyond the confines of existing workflows, job functions and organizational structures. A “clean slate” perspective and Design Thinking is needed to truly redefine the possibilities of technology-driven transformation.

Softtek’s Intelligent Automation capabilities help businesses fully leverage smart tools. Our “Automation First” mindset optimizes the role of digital labor and continually identifies new opportunities.


Overview of benefits

Quality and Cost Savings
  • Process accuracy increased 30-80%
  • ROI up to 500%
  • Increased user satisfaction
Productivity & Speed
  • Cycle times reduced 30-80%
  • 20-50% of tickets automated
  • Escalation reducted 20-70%
Cognitive enablement
  • FRIDA (Framework for Intelligent Digital Automation) platform
  • Automated self-healing and natural language interface
  • Machine Learning gradually reduces human intervention
Strategic optimization
  • Prioritization of automation targets
  • Eliminate defects, minimize human intervention
  • Focus on high-value, ease of automation
Business and IT process Automation
  • Procure to pay, order to cash and record to report
  • Incidents, service desk, security & compliance, etc.
  • Cost savings, quality, predictability and auditability
Business value
  • Leverage automation libraries for speed and ease of implementation
  • Digitized governance model for real-time reporting
  • Optimized change management and metrics using Lean Six Sigma
