Organizations will need to look to AI as a technology ally in improving human cognitive capacity and helping professionals to achieve more advanced levels of learning and knowledge, and to make smarter decisions.
Digital trust ecosystems represent a comprehensive and strategic framework that is essential for an organization to guarantee to any actor that interacts with it levels of trust, security and privacy that allow the business to be more scalable and viable, while enhancing reputation and brand image and opening up opportunities to expand revenue sources and innovate within the new digital ecosystems.
The composable organization is conceived as a new mindset and not only as a technological approach. This fact obliges organizations wishing to apply the model to implement a change management process involving structural democratization. Only those that manage to correctly apply this journey will be able to reach an adequate level of technological maturity that will ultimately translate into a greater capacity to innovate and generate disruptive ideas.
Internal Development Platforms (IDP) can be outsourced to an external provider or developed in-house, but are managed, configured and monitored by a platform engineering team, which specifies resources, templates, standards and configurations that allow developers the maximum level of autonomy in projects, automating common tasks.
The key to this approach is that technological developments should always have a commercial vision from the outset, with special emphasis on the early design stages, but also throughout the product development life cycle.
At this point, the key to the future lies in close human-machine collaboration, where the ability of human teams to filter and interpret the information processed by machines will become more important.