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Driving acceleration through data and artificial intelligence

Building a modern digital enterprise is a journey and data is at the center. Softtek’s data management, analytics and AI capabilities deliver continuous business value and insight across organizations. Our Data and AI practice is guided by our Framework for Intelligent Digital Automation (FRIDA) and is trusted by organizations worldwide to transform operational models, user experiences and more.

Artificial Intelligence: AI in harmony with enterprise transformation

The promise of Artificial Intelligence and its possibilities to further evolve the way we work, play, learn, shop, travel, and manage our health and finances is endless. At Softtek, we take a tool-agnostic approach to implement business and IT process automation, and effectively manage service delivery to achieve maximum benefits. We integrate immediate and measurable results on pace with your long-term vision and align solutions that anticipate customer needs, so you can realize your organizational ambitions.

From automation to advanced analytics we help global enterprises boldly adopt AI operating models within their business operations, processes and product lines— giving our clients the capabilities they need to improve customer experiences, productivity and profit with successful AI implementations.

With a large multi-disciplinary team focused on all aspects of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Neural Networks, Softtek offers the state-of-the-art ideas and an innovation playground to ensure clients utilize AI in ways that revolutionize their business.

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Combine the power of data and AI to scale and empower your enterprise
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Implement better business and IT process automation through practical design
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Automate routine tasks and build the future of augmented work
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Explore a tool-agnostic approach to AI development and leverage proven platforms and practices

Softtek offers a full set of Services to support your AI ambitions

Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
Recapture critical time and resources currently spent on repetitive tasks and help teams focus on the new opportunities ahead.
Cognitive analytics
Bring unstructured data sources such as audio, video, text and images to enhance decision-making and business intelligence.
Digital innovation labs
As organizations worldwide look to accelerate innovation, our labs provide an agile hub for cross-functional teams to experiment, collaborate and incubate data driven prototypes.
Cognitive Automation
Augment human decision making and intervention using deep learning - and other AI related technologies including speech recognition and natural language processing to learn, discover and make predictions and recommendations.
FRIDA, is Softtek’s Framework for Intelligent Digital Automation Platform. It is an automated natural language interface with Machine Learning capabilities designed to gradually reduce human intervention throughout the enterprise.

Data and Information services: Softtek helps you operate with Data confidence

At Softtek, we build intelligent enterprise data platforms that help our customers operate in disruptive markets. We go beyond traditional data and analytics practices and give our customers the specialized intelligence and insight they need to make critical decisions.

With a team of brilliant data scientists, statisticians, application developers and data visualization experts, Softtek is the right choice for all your data needs. As organizations continue to become more agile, we partner with your organization so data can be provided as a service throughout your enterprise. Our experience runs deep, helping our global clients gain maturity in data strategy, data governance, data quality, and data operations— giving organizations the edge they need to accelerate at scale.

When your team needs a modern data platform, Softtek can help you transcend data silos and fast-track agile data practices designed to democratize your data and give your front-line and executive team access to real-time data, with real-time analytics to power decision making at every-level.

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Modernize your data platform and free your data from legacy frameworks and processes
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Enjoy the flexibility, scale, and cost-savings of adopting a cloud-first approach to data management
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Leverage next-generation analytics tools across your enterprise with AI and Machine Learning at the center
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Power product innovation with faster and more intelligent data
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Enrich your business intelligence and expand your point of view with predictive analytics

Data and Information services

We offer services that range from data warehousing, to analytics, to data visualization, data lake rationalization and more.
Advanced business analytics
Through predictive data analytics, big data and data mining techniques, develop reliable data tools and insights to continue building more reliable predictions towards full adoption of AI.
Information management
Rethink how your organization captures, manages, preserves, stores and delivers information— explore intelligent systems that can leverage automation and Artificial Intelligence to deliver expanded capabilities to support your business processes, security, and governance.
Enterprise IoT analytics
As the need to collect sensory data across the digital organizations expand, developing systems to collect, analyze and integrate that data within the context of the digital enterprise is needed to make the most of all connected data.