Top-tier tech company specialized in connecting sophisticated software to power industrial technology.
Worldwide presence
90k+ employees
100+ years of knowledge and expertise
US $20B+ revenue
Following a large acquisition, our client was under pressure to speed up the separation from the parent company and move the entirety of the IT assets from source to target environments in a structured and strategic way.
Scope: 40 TB, 400+ servers, and 100+ instances.
Maintain complete uptime availability and business continuity during cutover processes.
Integrate with existing standards and policies in AWS control tower.
With four business divisions and multiple businesses, our client needed a collaborative approach to creating a robust multi-account architecture. As an Advanced Consulting Partner for AWS, Softtek worked closely with the client to conduct an iterative migration process that also spanned identity and access management, governance, data security, network design, and centralized logging to host the transitioned servers and databases.
Provided ITIL change management and incident management.
Used Softtek’s nearshore delivery model to complete cutover processes during optimal time windows.
Utilized core AWS services including EC2, RDS, VPC, Route 53, and Systems Manager.
Landing zone deployed with AWS Control Tower.
Deployed AWS Network Design via Transit Gateway, Direct Connect, and site-to-site VPNs.
Implemented robust perimeter security with clustered firewalls.
According to analyst data, more than half of cloud adoptions are reported as stalled or failed, but with Softtek, our client avoided the skill, security, latency, and change management issues that challenge enterprise cloud initiatives.
Full enablement and migration completed in 11 months.
70+ applications migrated, including their architectural components, servers, databases, load balancers, etc.
99.95% business operation availability using planned cutover windows.